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Importance of Marriage Counselling

When we read or hear the phrase marriage counselling, what usually comes into our minds? We normally think of resolving a misunderstanding between husbands and wives or the act of rebuilding a broken relationship. These days, more and more couples stick onto counseling believing that it would bring them goodness when other people give them pieces of advice. Traditionally, counselors come in different personas such as the church leaders, elders as well as parents. Today, in addition to these counselors, we now have Family and Marriage therapists.

Does counselling really work regardless of what type of counselor is involved?

Certainly, it does. But how? To begin with, why do couples ask for counseling? The main and basic reason is that when a couple can no longer control the apprehension going on between the two of them due to some intended or unintended conflicts. There are times when couples try to repair their own crumples, but then it doesn’t work out for them. Pride and selfishness are some of the reasons why. It’s not easy to approach a partner when either of them doesn’t want to give in. In this case, they see couples counseling as a channel for them to get over the situation.

Building a stronger relationship and unlocking boundaries between couples are some of the main goals of a marriage counselling. The sacredness of marriage needs to be preserved, and that is one aim of the counselling session. It is completely fine for couples to resolve the problems themselves, however one cannot deny that seeking the help of more knowledgeable professionals would make the process easier.

Marriage counseling is seen as a necessity in this world we live in. Why?

Firstly, it help couples achieve their purpose. A number of couples are grateful because of the benefits they recived from undergoing marraige counselling. They were able to better manage their married life with the help of the counselor. Marriage counselling is also important because partners learn to appreciate each other’s company.