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The Don’ts in a Relationship

A relationship can last or can be broken depending on how the couples take care of it. There are things that need to be done in order for a relationship to work. It is not necessary that you must be similar in all aspects for your relationship to work. Even if you are both different in some ways you should totally accept and understand each other to make your relationship successful. When talking about relationships, there are things that you have to avoid in order to make your relationship last and be fruitful.

Do not cheat.

Cheating is the main cause of breakups in a relationship. The first thing that you have to know about relationships guidelines is not to cheat on your partner. Cheating is not all about going out with other woman or man. It also involves lying or not telling the truth. When you cheat on your partner, he or she is not the only one to be affected when your relationship is ruined. If you are married, your kids will also be affected when you fight and edn up in divorce. Your relationship with your partner’s close friends and family members will be affected as well. If you want your relationship to last, you should try your best to be loyal and truthful to your partner.

Do not control your partner.

You may be in a very close relationship that you almost know everything about him or her, but it is still not right to control your partner’s life. Each individuals are entitled to have a personal freedom, may it be from their families, from their partners, from their friends, and from their work. You may not know but, controlling your partner’s life is a form of emotional abuse. If he or she feels suffocated because of you holding his or her neck, he or she may eventually decide to move out from your relationship. It is then important to allow your partner to have some personal freedom and a time on his or her own.

Controlling your partner also tells them that you do not trust them. If you take control of your partner's decision and opinion, for example with regards to which school the kids should go to or what your plans are for the future, you are in some way not trusting your partner in the relationship. You should learn to trust your partner and also learn not to control them as they have their own way of doing things.

Do not let your anger rule you when you fight with your partner.

Fights are indeed inevitable in a relationship. Couples who do not fight do not have a normal relationship. Couple fights make your relationship colourful and healthy. It can bring you closer to each other because you have expressed what you need to say. However, if you do not control your anger, your couple fights can ruin your relationship. When you fight or argue, you should not let your anger and frustrations rule you. If you loose control of your anger, you may end up doing something worse that can destroy your relationship. You might hurt your partner, not just emotionally but physically as well. If you know that your anger is blowing up, you should go away for a couple of minutes and let your anger cool down. That way, you and your partner can talk calmly and solve whatever problems and misunderstandings that you have. Experts who give advice on relationships often say that you must get your problems solved before the day ends.